Saturday, April 14, 2012


That's what Ian does when someone leaves the room, when a meal is over, when you put something away. And that's what I'm doing to Niki's World, waving goodbye. I have been through many stages of cutting this, that and whatever, making room for life as we now know it. I applied a scalpel to my Etsy shop more than once, and just this week I hit it with the machete and closed it. After much soul searching, hour upon hour of sitting up with Ian between dusk and dawn, and innumerable tears, it came down to two activities that I just can't drop - journaling and taking pictures. Unfortunately, Niki's World did not "make the cut." So I bid adieu to the blog, making room for more play time with Ian, taking better care of the dogs, working at the job I love even more than I thought I would, spending time with my husband and family, running errands, and seeing where this life leads. I am blessed to have all that I have and that I'm able to do all that I do. Thank you for taking this short journey with me. Perhaps I'll be back someday....