Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Boy and His Dog

I was going to enter another I Heart Faces contest, and do it right this time. Apparently I didn't read ALL of the rules last time and forgot to post their button on my page. I thought, "I'll do it better this time." Of course, that would include knowing which day of the week it is, and realizing that the contest ended yesterday. Oh well - not meant to be this time obviously. Here's my Max and Ian story anyway.

This is Max and our little boy, Ian. He was born in March of last year. Max was 12 when this picture was taken in October of 2011. Maxi passed away 15 days later. As most photographers might do, I panicked the next day I woke up, thinking I didn't have any good, recent photos of Maximillian. I'd raised him since he was 8-weeks-old, he'd been sick off and on since the summer, and on October 27, he became violently ill and passed away within the day. I cried, and cried. I hadn't taken a lot of pictures of him over the summer and fall because he wasn't looking his best and I didn't want to do him like that. October 28 my heart was in my shoes. I dumped the pictures off my camera, reviewed and cataloged, then came across this one. A small percentage of his passing was made okay. I'm not saying it's the best picture I've ever taken, but it is the best damn picture I have ever taken. I love and miss you, Maxi.

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