Sunday, January 29, 2012

Danglers done, dude

Yep, that's right. I said it! Dangers. Done. Dude. I have had a pile of "danglers" or projects that have accumulated over weeks, months, years in various stages of neglect from supplies purchased to half done to in need of updating to that would be a good idea. They are done!! I completed three scrapbooks, two wedding photo books and reorganized two storage spaces. Now, I can focus on writing and photography with a clear head, because the nagging "what about me... I'm not done yet... I thought I was a good idea..." the projects were doing is gone. I'm a "clean slate" kinda gal. I love a clean slate and the feeling that comes with it - no baggage, no nagging, no worries. Starting to write on the blog again gave me the perfect motivation to tackle those projects once and for all, so I could focus on my loves of writing and photography. Here's to clean slates, finished projects, organized spaces and clear priorities. 

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