Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Best Way to Age

I was thinking today about how everyone says, and it is so true, that your concept of time is different with children in the house. E will be one next month, and I certainly haven't gotten any younger in the past year. I have determined that having a kid in the house is the best way to age.  You're barely aware of the passage of time, except for watching him - the looks on his face as he matures, his development as he learns how to walk, his vocalizations as he talks in his own language - and you're nothing but thankful for this opportunity to view God's world through someone else's eyes. It is one of the best gifts. Not that I'm a proponent of go forth and procreate, unless that's your wish! Here's to the passage of time, at any rate, with loved ones by your side. 

My good friend Kelly Sue took this picture on our last play date. 

James brought home a balloon for me, which Ian loved (and thankfully wasn't afraid of).

Ian and Razzie play together all the time. Razzie loves it, and hates it!

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