Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Do You Believe In Miracles?

In May-June of last year, I quit my professional job to stay home with our son. Our brand spankin' new baby boy! It was a joy, and a treasure, and a dream. We agreed that I would stay home for his first year. We looked at "if A happens and B doesn't and C gets a raise..." we could swing it, because during the pregnancy we hadn't planned for this turn of events. After the first of the year, when Ian was about 10-months-old, we looked at our finances again, talked about our future plans, discussed lifestyle options, now accounting for the happening of A AND B without C. We determined that come March, I would start to look for a job, giving me a couple of months to weigh my views on part-time versus full-time versus offering child-care in our home. I ruled out full-time pretty quickly. I envisioned pushing papers and counting paper clips, waiting for the clock to strike noon OR having a couple of other people's kids running around our house, so I could stay home with Ian and still get paid. 

Just a few days later, I received an email that a job I had been interested in for like two years, even while happily working at my previous job, had suddenly come available. It was with an organization for which I had volunteered for years, I had great passion for the mission, the skill set matched my experience, and the position was open without warning. I let them know that I would appreciate the chance to learn more at their convenience. Within a week I had a meeting. I was the only one who didn't know, until it was over, that it actually was an interview. And five days after that, the offer was made official. I am once again gainfully employed!

The position has been changed to part-time - whoot whoo!! My mom will come to our house and watch that "no longer brand spankin' new" now "on the verge of walking and in to everything" little boy - double whoot whoo!! I start the week before his first birthday - can you say, "per our agreement?" You can not underestimate the power of timing - one of the few things in our world that is truly beyond our control. I can still see myself sitting on the futon in Ian's room, visualizing my days spent any number of ways, after March, and gauging my feelings about it. I can still feel the emotions rising up in my stomach, as I didn't like this one or that one. 

This is my dream job. I've had two other dream jobs in my life. It's the kind of opportunity you accept and have faith the pieces will fall in the right places. I know I will miss Ian in the mornings and wonder what they are doing. I also know that if I'd said no, I would have forever wondered what else in our lives would have been different because you never know how A connects to B and leads to C.

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