Saturday, February 4, 2012

Stop! Baby Time!

Dear Friends and Family,
It is with a hanging head that I write an apology for the delay with which you receive cards, emails, texts and pictures from me now. I am operating on what I lovingly call Baby Time. It is roughly 1x3 of the pace at which I formerly moved. Formerly being before the arrival of Ian Nikalos and everything taking three times longer than in that previous life. It has been almost 11 months now that he has been in this world and I can fairly say that equation has improved from 1x4. I am proud of this. I hope to some day attain the 1x2 level, but I understand that will likely be the peak of productivity. I love Ian, he's the light of my life, blah, blah, blah. I have accepted that getting out the door, unpacking the groceries, and even going to the bathroom now happen on Baby Time. It's kind of like Dog Years - 1 year is 7 years to a dog. Or, Marriage Years - that formula being a little more complicated, of course. Some years are like 1, those are the happy, fun ones. Some are like 5. Some are like, oh, I don't know, 20! Thus, as a woman of 40, with two dogs, one child, and a husband, God knows how old I actually am or what time it is!! Please keep in touch. 
Love, Niki

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